hi Doug,

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 12:25 -0700, Douglas Atique wrote:
> I have been trying to setup a boot ZFS filesystem since b63 and found
> out about bug 6553537 that was preventing boot from ZFS filesystems
> starting from b63. First question is whether b65 has solved the
> problem as was planned on the bug page.

I'll verify this today (note that this was only for netinstall/pfinstall
ZFS boot - manually setup ZFS boot should work fine.)

>  Second question is: as I cannot boot successfully from a ZFS
> filesystem after following the ZFS Boot Manual Setup instructions
> (http://www.opensolaris.org/os/community/zfs/boot/zfsboot-manual/) due
> to a panic down the call chain of vfs_mountroot, what else (other than
> the bug, that is) could be wrong?

There's a number of things you could check:

 1. Is your root pool one of the supported types (mirror or single-disk)

 2. There's a bug with compression at the moment - the root pool,
    and the top level pool need to have compression set to off.
    ( 6538017 )

 3. Check that you've got an SMI label on the pool you're trying to
    boot from ( more at 
http://blogs.sun.com/timf/entry/zfs_bootable_datasets_happily_rumbling )

 4. Can you make sure your bios is booting from the correct device

 5. (a bit more drastic) Can you run the script pointed to at the top of
    that page and setup ZFS boot that way, which could account for pilot
    error in following the manual steps.

After that, could you verify that by changing the grub menu entry
in /<pool>/boot/grub/menu.lst ( eg. change the "title" line in the ZFS
boot entry, adding some random text) that you see those changes
reflected in the menu that grub actually displays ?

Let me know if any of these suggestions help ?


Tim Foster, Sun Microsystems Inc, Solaris Engineering Ops

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