Stephen Stogner wrote:
> True we could have all the syslog data be directed towards the host but the 
> underlying issue remains the same with the performance hit.  We have used nfs 
> shares for log hosts and mail hosts and we are looking towards using a zfs 
> based mail store with nfs moutnts from x mail servers but if nfs/zfs combo 
> take such a performance hit I would need to investigate another solution.

Thinking about this more...
if you write local logs to an NFS server, then it should be mounted as hard,
which means that when the NFS is down, and pending writes to the logs
are patiently waiting for the server to return.  This dependency is not
generally what you want for failure-logging, which is, in part, why the
syslog protocols use UDP.  I would strongly suggest using syslog as it
was intended to be used.
 -- richard

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