>>>>> "aym" == Anon Y Mous <no-re...@opensolaris.org> writes:
>>>>> "mg" == Mario Goebbels <m...@tomservo.cc> writes:

   aym> I don't mean to be offensive Russel, but if you do ever return
   aym> to ZFS, please promise me that you will never, ever, EVER run
   aym> it virtualized on top of NTFS

he said he was using raw disk devices IIRC.

and once again, the host did not crash, only the guest, so even if it
were NTFS rather than raw disks, the integrity characteristics of NTFS
would have been irrelevant since the host was awlays shutdown cleanly.

   aym> the only way to get the 100% full benefits of ZFS checksum
   aym> protection is to run it in on bare metal with no
   aym> virtualization.

bullshit.  That makes no sense at all.

First, why should virtualization have anything to do with checksums?
Obviously checksums go straight through it.  The suspected problem
lies elsewhere.

Second, virtualization is serious business.  Problems need to be found
and fixed.  At this point, you've become so aggressive with that
broom, anyone can see there's obviously an elephant under the rug.

   aym> I'm running ZFS in production with my OpenSolaris
   aym> operating system zpool mirrored three times over on 3
   aym> different drives, and I've never had a problem with it.

The idea of collecting other people's problem reports is to figure out
what's causing problems before one hits you.  I hear this type of
thing all the time: ``The number of problems I've had is so close to
zero, it is zero, so by extrapolation nobody else can be having any
real problems because if I scale out my own experience the expected
number of problems in the entire world is zero.''---wtf?  clearly

    mg> You have to make sure your mainboard, chipset and/or CPU
    mg> support it, otherwise any ECC modules will just work like
    mg> regular modules.

also scrubbing is sometimes enabled separately from plain ECC.
Without scrubbing the ECC can still correct errors, but won't do so
until some actual thread reads the flipped-bit, which is probably
okay but <shrug>.

I vaguely remember something about an idle scrub thread in solaris
where the CPU itself does the scrubbing?  but at least on AMD
platforms, the memory and cache controllers will do scrubbing
themselves using only memory bandwidth, without using CPU cycles, if
you ask.

On AMD you can use this script on Linux to control scrub speed and ECC
enablement if your BIOS does not support it.  The script does appear
to do something on Phenom II, but I haven't tried the 10-ohm resistor
test the author suggests.  I think it should be adaptable to SOlaris.


now if only we could get 4GB ECC unbuffered DDR3 for similar prices to
non-ECC. :(

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