Justin's interpretations of my email are correct. For the record, here's
the error handler:


So, yeah, nothing exciting there.

I posted my code because I'm not confidant in it. I don't remember when I
wrote it and I haven't kept up with all of the various permutations on
where sets are stored, etc. Some server, some local, etc. No clue. (I asked
about how this is meant to work in pre-emptive processes because my results
surprised me, but I never did hear back that I can recall.)

So, I'd be grateful if anyone that is Really Into Sets (we all know you're
out there!) gave it some thought. If it's reliable, great! If not, I'll
kill it rather than rely on it.

I'm with Justin on the IP flag in the error handler. That's provably
unreliable in a multi-process system.

Thanks for all comments and help!
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