I will add my 2 cents worth here too. I agree with Jeff.

As a previous post noted a big cause of this problem was Apple. They forced 
change on us, and on 4D. I was involved in an industry where each month brought 
new requirements that were forced upon us by various governments that we had to 
implement and show in testing that we conformed. Now that was a real juggling 
act with all that was going on with 4D, Microsoft, and Apple in a high pressure 
game. We were doing it, and there were few that were and they had some industry 
giant tools.

I really appreciate where 4D is heading with their product line. A lot of good 
stuff has come out in the 4 years I was able to sit on the sideline. 
Fortunately for me I could, and am ramping up again and my hope is that this 
will meld with a maturing of all the new products that 4D is working on. Of 
course I also hope that Microsoft and Apple will not upset the ‘Apple Cart’ yet 

This discussion is not new in the 4D world. In the years since version 2.0.10 
(was that 1988?) that I started with 4D I have tried out other tools to met 
various needs. As it turns out we eventually left most of those tools as they 
too could not manage the juggling act of revenue - Apple - Windows - 32 to 
64bit etc.

I understand and feel the pain of all involved including those at 4D. 
Technology is a much different world than raising milking goats, fruit, and 
dogs that I spend much of my time in now.


> On Feb 2, 2018, at 7:12 AM, Jeffrey Kain via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> On the other hand, the majority who don't need to integrate word processing 
> are probably thinking "why the heck are they spending so much time and 
> resources trying to reinvent word processing when they could be working on 
> <x>"?
> I can see both points of view, but for 4D Write I do think 4D has shown a 
> steady dedication and commitment to taking an ancient tool and moving it 
> forward into current technology. That email wording was probably a mistake 
> though -- unless 4D has decided that 32 bit applications are ending with v16 
> (which I don't think is the case).
> --
> Jeffrey Kain
> jeffrey.k...@gmail.com

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