All, 4D Professional Services is offering a free report on what it would
take to get your application 64-bit ready. I recently had my application
reviewed by them and the report they provided was very informative. In
addition to outlining what needs to be done to make your application 64-bit
ready, they provide a work estimate and list of deliverables of what it
would take their team to complete the work if you were unable to manage the
project on your own. Considering 4D v17 will be the last 32-bit version and
that the report is free, I highly recommend taking advantage of this offer.
Just contact your account manager, Tracy ( 408-557-4672) or
Court ( 408-557-4640) and they will set it up for you.

*P.S. Will Taylor of 4D Professional Services did my report and I got to
meet Will at the 4D World Tour in Atlanta, which as Kirk Brooks detailed
previously on the list, was a great experience.*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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