It’s not about slamming the mac, i work with a Mac since they exist (1984) and 
absolutely love my MacBook Pro, although I do have grievances concerning the 
ludicrous pricing policy (come on, I am willing to pay a premium, but 450% of 
market price for SSD or RAM?).

I just stated why Apple lost the corporate market.
And the reason for companies to forgo Apple are valid and understandable.
AFAIK the MacOS cannot be changed to allow multiple concurrent user sessions on 
one Computer, the OS simply lacks the necessary tools to do it.
When you switch users on a Mac, you need to first switch off the user you are 
currently logged in to.
On Windows I can have as many user sessions in parallel as I want to.
Terminal Servers are absolutely essential for the corporate market, it is a 
non-negotiable showstopper.
And corporate clients are not willing to pay quadruple price for standard 

I will continue using Macs as long as I can afford them (and can work on them), 
but I have no corporate clients with Mac left.
And I know not ONE SINGLE corporation that uses Mac (but for the marketing 
department, maybe…).

Fact of life man!

> Am 19.03.2020 um 16:05 schrieb Lee Hinde via 4D_Tech <>:
> 1997 called and want their Slam-The-Mac back.  :-) 
>> On Mar 19, 2020, at 4:34 AM, Herr Alexander Heintz via 4D_Tech 
>> <> wrote:
>> Complete lack of a remote terminal solution for Macs is the primary reason 
>> why most businesses have switched to Windows in the last 8-10 years.
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