>On Tue 12 Jun 2001 at 06:35AM -0400, Laura Conrad wrote:
>>  >>>>> "James" == James Allwright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>      James> The c>c construct is a problem because it is notated as a
>>      James> 3:1 ratio but played as a 2:1 ratio.
>>  Played by whom?  Does the standard document this? 
>Played by abc2midi and played by most players of hornpipes,
>I believe. If you try changing abc2midi so that it uses a 3:1 ratio,
>you should find that hornpipes don't sound quite right.
>Of course, this is all subjective and maybe you play things a bit
>differently in Boston :-) . As far as I know this is not documented
>in the standard at all, since it is more musical knowledge
>than anything to do with abc.

Hornpipes are usually transcribed straight, rather than in a dotted
rhythm.  If it's written with lots of >s it's more likely to be a
strathspey, which is a much more exaggerated rhythm.  Does abc2midi
apply a stress program even in the absence of an R: field?  If so,
how does it know which notes to emphasise?

Phil Taylor
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