The $15k was past due transit plus a loan payment if I understood correctly.

On 7/16/2019 5:46 PM, Bill Prince wrote:

Yeah. That's pretty darn high for 250 subs.


On 7/16/2019 1:13 PM, Colin Stanners wrote:
Unless I'm missing something, paying ~$4K/month for transit ($15k / 3 months late + 1 month for payment) for 250 customers is a huge expense. Either they have some really fast plans, or they're located in the absolute middle of nowhere.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 2:29 PM Matt Hoppes < <>> wrote:

    Here's my questions though -- at 250 customers it should be
    turning a
    profit unless some really really terrible choices have been made.

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