I guess the front end wasn't in sync with the back end.

------ Original Message ------
From: ch...@wbmfg.com
To: af@afmug.com
Sent: 4/12/2018 12:49:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT asterisk

Arrgh, I turned on nat and turned it back off and now it is working....! I hate it when I fix something like this and I do not know how I fixed it...

Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT asterisk

I don’t think it is natted. My son set it up, but he is away at college/work and I have limited access to him.

From:Adam Moffett
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT asterisk

It has to be related to NAT and/or reinvite.
Look for what IP is being presented to the outside world. There are definitely relevant settings in Asterisk, could be in the phone too.

Assuming the phones have private IPs, I'd set canreinvite=no for the SIP peer used by the phones, and make sure the phones are not set to override the WAN IP.

Asterisk has a setting showing what IP it uses to talk to the world....I'm sorry I can't recall the name of the option. If it has its own public IP, then use that. If it's private and behind NAT then it may need to present to the world that it has the router's WAN IP. The NAT router could have SIP helper features. You may need to turn that either on or off depending on what else you have going on.

You'll get better clues from a packet capture. You can use tcpdump on the Asterisk Box, and/or do it on the router. You can verify whether the incoming RTP stream is or isn't getting to you. You can check the outbound SIP packets to see what source IP is being used. The other end doesn't reply to the source from the IP header, he replies to the source IP used in the SIP messages. If Asterisk is identifying itself as peer@ then your carrier may be sending RTP to the private address which obviously can't cross the internet.

------ Original Message ------
From: ch...@wbmfg.com
To: af@afmug.com
Sent: 4/12/2018 11:41:25 AM
Subject: Re: [AFMUG] OT asterisk

I am grateful for any bones that can be tossed this way. Just stating “hey, I am having this problem” which implies that any suggestions to fix the problem are most welcome.

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