Are Gell-Mann's intermediate AIC and Deric's "criticality proper" similar to C. 
Alexander's "The void"? Could this be the dynamically undecidable zone, which 
quantum entanglement might be associated with? Is it computable? According to 
classical logic and classical science, it should not be computable. 

Would the undecidable zone serve as a potential example of Shroedinger's cat, 
or vice versa, and if so, does the recent report on a simultaneous, dual-state 
provide hope for its computability? To my mind it would have, if it were on one 
machine, and not two. 

Clearly, collective science still cannot prove how two, parallel universes are 
entangled and by which quantum fabric. For now then, science has to remain a 
belief system, supported by doctrine and the theoretical acceptance of its own 
evidence. Sounds similar to a religion, does it not? Perhaps, science merely 
avoids the religion trap by leaving "God" out of hypotheses, but that is a 
matter Ben has seemingly dealt with most effectively, in my opinion.     

Still, a group of us can sit here, quite casually, and move in and out of the 
undecidability zone without too much difficulty. That, to me then, is the real 
hope of computability, of shifting the boundary on "undecidability" to a 
further point of "undecidability". It lives here with us, in AGI and in similar 
discussions zones.  

What if Shroedinger's cat got another life, or many antithesis-induced lives, 
and there were as many cats as there were dynamics of any order, one instance 
of which was the zone itself? Would this resemble Hawking's perpendicular 
dimension of "imagination time"? 

So then, when our human, critical consciousness could exist in a single, 
entangled state where imagination becomes reality, and reality becomes 
imagination, where Gestalt is, and is not, within the same timespace, unequally 
so, there might yet be hope for our machine about 7 degrees from the boundary 
of disorder, as an independent reality.    

This begs the question: "Is optimal consciousness (in the sense of 
largest-possible effective complexity) a quantum phenomenon, or a product of 
mere memory?".     


Subject: RE: [agi] Couple thoughts
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 02:08:53 +0200

@ Russ

Exciting! Thanks for this contribution.

The diagram maps closely to what Gell-Mann (1994) describes as, and 
diagrammatically represents to be, Large Effective Complexity and Intermediate 
AIC (Algorithmic Information Content). The state of largest, effective 
complexity matches very closely to this result.

He summarizes his sketch, as a "crude illustration" to mean:
"...effective complexity of a system (relative to a properly functioning 
complex adaptive system as observer) varies with AIC, attaining high values 
only in the intermediate region between excessive order and excessive 
disorder." Further, he points out that: "Many important quantities that occur 
in discussions of simplicity, complexity, and complex adaptive systems [such as 
the AGI forum] share the property that they can be large only in that 
intermediate region." (p.60)

The above relates to information compressionability.


Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 17:51:18 -0600
Subject: Re: [agi] Couple thoughts

...and now fo something completely different...
Regardless of the space cowboy nature to the title of this link's blog post 
that appeared today, there is relevant research behind it that touches on some 
of the well made points presented in this thread.

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Mike Archbold via AGI <> wrote:
On 2/17/15, Matt Mahoney via AGI <> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 12:09 AM, Mike Archbold <>

> wrote:

>> I think under this approach, it "bans" work on trying to actually

>> figure out the answers to these tough questions, and instead places

>> emphasis on replicating the means (mechanics of the brain) that

>> generates whatever it is we call consciousness.  I mean, under this

>> school of thought, if we don't know how  consciousness  solves hard

>> problems, so what?  As long as it works by copying the

>> physics/mechanics/etc of the brain (that being the obviously gigantic

>> challenge, of course) that is all that is required.


> Consciousness is the feelings (reinforcement signals, mostly positive)

> that you associate with sensory perception and thoughts (recalled

> memories) as they are written into episodic memory (memory associated

> with a time or place). It only seems mysterious because reinforcement

> signals alter your beliefs. Your brain works that way because it

> increases your reproductive fitness. Even though you can't objectively

> believe what I just stated, you want your consciousness to continue by

> not dying.


> You don't need to model consciousness to solve most AI problems like

> vision, language, or robotics. You do need to model belief in

> consciousness as well as other types of reinforcement learning (such

> as beliefs in free will and identity) in order to model or predict

> human behavior. It is not hard to do that once you understand where

> these illusions come from.


> It is a distraction to think that you have to replicate consciousness

> to solve AI. It is like thinking that birds fly by some magic that you

> have to replicate in order to build airplanes.


> --

> -- Matt Mahoney,



I see your point.  It contentious.  There is still a certain appeal

to any approach that tries to skirt completely around the, well,

contentious problems.  Neural nets, as you know, have always been that

way, just a black box for the most part.  Whole brain emulation, I

think, which to me means a straight copy of the highest fidelity,

should be taken into account, even if you don't agree with someone's

approach under that flag.  If consciousness is or isn't part of it is

not as important as whether or not the copy is faithful to the

original brain.  If so, it will work.

> -------------------------------------------


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