Hi John

Thanks for the Input. 
If I understood the first part of your thought correctly; agents could be 
collaborative-type of quanta forming some kind of generative frequency, 
relative to the properties of the agent form? 

On the second part; each agent should be a hard-coded fractal, with the 
scalability property being a replicated constant?

Some type of soft-coded, management system gets all the pieces working in the 
purposed direction? 

Last, I noticed your point on "feedback". 
If open-looped (probably recursive), closed-looped (probably self recursive). 
To be learning, one would probably require both?

> From: a...@listbox.com
> To: a...@listbox.com
> Subject: RE: [agi] Couple thoughts
> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2015 06:16:11 -0500
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nanograte Knowledge Technologies via AGI [mailto:a...@listbox.com]
> > 
> > How about we discuss how to build an adaptive, complex machine?
> > 
> > Proposed definition:
> > An adaptive, complex machine would have the ability to learn from its
> > installable knowledge base and environmental experiences and be able to
> > consistently apply functional evidence of this learning in order to solve
> ever-
> > complex problems with in a fraction of human-effort time.
> I picture many agents, thinking about bacteria lately, not sure how many
> agents are needed to reach a particular level of adaptiveness. Some systems
> might require three agents some a billion. It depends on things,
> computational resources and, complexity of agents including individual
> communication complexity characteristics and how the complexity scales and
> forms patterns across groups of agents IOW how the complexity and entropy of
> the MAS behaves - perhaps how adaptive patterns are formed? Interesting
> looking at cymatics here I wonder if in a massive MAS, MMAS? if there is
> something similar going on since you have this inverse-quantization effect
> forming wave signals and the agents can be coordinated to focus waveforms in
> various ways to generate computational patterns... or - internally let's say
> in biological cells the DNA does perform quantum networking/coordination -
> similar could be attempted in a computer MAS cymatically.
> I would say engineer into each agent some of these preconceived limiting
> unknowns in how the system behaves. For example: How many agents would the
> system require to adapt? We don't know so engineer into each the ability to
> control how the whole system scales. And then have feedback into each agent
> from the whole system - sounds like a genetic system and it could have that
> adaptiveness but - keep in mind we are in a computer and have different
> computational characteristics verses biologic molecular. Comparably there
> are impediments and enhancements but we needn't reverse engineer the
> limitations in molecular biology such as in artificial life that's where
> that goes very wrong I think. Also ALife intelligence computation might have
> gone wrong in being overly focused on genetics in terms of evolution and not
> on DNA quantum communication abilities... 
> John
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