Okaayyyyy..I seem to have lost control over my webmail account and browser. 

From: a...@listbox.com
To: a...@listbox.com
Subject: RE: [agi] Couple thoughts
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 21:06:47 +0200

Sorry, but on the subject of security:

Anyone else in this group experiencing problems with Baidu? 

Today, they downloaded and installed unsolicited software on my computer 
consuming about 600 MB. Had to take major, evasive action to get rid of it, 
took about 2 hours. Hope it is clean now, but my CPU is spinning away for no 
apparent reason still. .Found caches of data on my computer that were not my 
own then got an AVG warning on superfish etc. A bit worried here about what's 
really happening on this machine. Changed an email address as well, due to 
severe latency of delivery of up to 2 hours in some instances, where the norm 
would be about 3 seconds. Also received an email that the originator details 
were removed from. 

Is this why their share price has dropped so radically? 

> From: a...@listbox.com
> To: a...@listbox.com
> Subject: RE: [agi] Couple thoughts
> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2015 13:57:01 -0500
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Matt Mahoney via AGI [mailto:a...@listbox.com]
> > 
> > If you are paranoid (could the NSA have bribed Intel too?), then I suggest
> > mixing RDRAND output with other entropy sources through another hash,
> > like BSD already does with /dev/random.
> > 
> > I guess this is AGI related in that peers in a distributed system need a 
> > secure
> > way to authenticate each other to prevent spammers from injecting forged
> > messages.
> > 
> Interestingly, random numbers are related to AGI in many ways and are 
> associated with many AGI mathematical ideas but few things if any are related 
> as much to the quality of the randomness as much as cryptography. Probably 
> because of that limiting Boolean of being able to decrypt something or the 
> goal of preventing that distinct event.
> John
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