> I do not expect these brief philosophical musings to be convincing to
> anyone.  I give them here mostly just to point out that this is something
> I've thought about deeply, something I think that is important.  If I
> disagree with you, Paul, Penrose etc., it is not because I haven't
> deeply on these matters.  I don't dismiss consciousness glibly a la Daniel
> Dennett.  I know it's a very real and deep phenomenon, but I don't believe
> that it's related to quantum physics or quantum gravity in the way that
> Penrose/Hameroff propose.  I think that a future physics theory will
> the relationship between physical reality and consciousness, but I suspect
> that this clarification will explain why digital computer programs CAN be
> conscious, and not the opposite.
Ben, your very complete and complex reply has given me more than I can
digest at one go.  I will be researching your references and studying your
message for some time before I can say anything even as minimally coherant
as what I've posted before.

Just know that I, for one, never thought that you have not thought about
these matters deeply.  I was trying to look at the issue from a different
perspective.  I also have doubts about the Penrose/Dennett agenda, but
haven't done the scholarship or thinking that you have to be able to express
those doubts cogently.


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