Sunday, November 10, 2002, 9:23:17 AM, Ben Goertzel wrote:

>> I'm sure this has been attempted by various folks in various ways, but
>> I've always felt code optimization is a rich target for AI.  There's a
>> clearly definable goal; the environment (compiler, initial code,
>> generated code, test inputs and outputs or validation program) doesn't
>> need much setting up; and the whole thing can be self-contained and
>> self-running on a single computer.  Given some technique for
>> optimizing the optimizer, theoretically you could just set it running
>> and get on with your business...
>> --
>> Cliff

BG> I am involved with a team that is building the world's most advanced code
BG> optimizer, the Supercompiler, which does source-to-source code rewriting.

BG> It takes a source program, transforms it into an abstract mathematical
BG> graph, simplifies the graph, and then creates new source representing the
BG> simplified graph.

BG> Check out; there's a white-paper on there that I
BG> wrote some time ago.

Thanks for the supercompiler links, I wasn't aware of that project (or
had lost the links deep in my bookmark list).

BG> There are big uses for AI in this process, but they're 3-5 years down the
BG> road given the current pace of Supercompilers engineering (which is,
BG> surprise surprise, kinda slow due to their very limited resources).

BG> The problem with creating an advanced optimizer for a real programming
BG> language, is that real-world programming languages are BIG, nasty beasts.
BG> There's a lot of detail-work that has nothing to do with AI or advanced
BG> math, that has to be done just to make the basic framework within which
BG> advanced code optimization ideas can be inserted.  For Java, the
BG> Supercompilers guys are beyond that right now, and after several years of
BG> work are finally into the "advanced mathematical optimization" stuff... but
BG> not yet to the AI stage.

BG> "Optimizing the optimizer" is what we've called "supercompiling the
BG> supercompiler", it's a natural idea, but we're not there yet.

I didn't mean "supercompiling the supercompiler" but rather, "evolving"
the supercompiler through known techniques such as GA.  I have no idea
how feasible something like that is...the main attraction I see is
that -- assuming it can be set up properly -- it can run without human
intervention (e.g., it even could, with the right PR, be run as a
SETI-like wide-distribution problem). Obviously, once you've got
something that works pretty well, supercompiling the supercompiler
is the next step...

BG> Making a test suite for supercompilation is not as easy as you imply,
BG> actually.  Testing speedup is easy, but checking that the supercompiler
BG> hasn't introduced subtle errors into the program, is very hard.

I can see where that's the case with real-world modern languages...I'm
surprised (pleasantly!) to see this idea applied there, rather than in
(forgot the correct term) "provable" languages and others restricted
mostly to academia.

BG> My experience working with Supercompilers LLC has been a lesson in
BG> the startling short-sightedness of the software industry.  The
BG> researchers involved with Supercompilers are top-notch with
BG> decades of published experience, and their approach is a "natural"
BG> conceptually and mathematically.  And yet, so far, it hasn't been
BG> possible to get any kind of co-development deal with a major
BG> software company.  I had some discussions with IBM that went
BG> nowhere.  Discussions with a certain other large software company
BG> are going slowly, but at least seem to be progressing in a good
BG> direction....

Well, I hope something works out seems the most natural
application area for AI to me.

Tangentially related -- I think what it does is essentially "partial
evaluation" optimization -- is PSYCO at
which applied to Python programs provides significant speedups.


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