> > Well, yeah.  I am flawed and weak and small and mortal, and I want to be
> > super and supremely smart and immortal.
> This may be where we differ the most, but that's OK.  I also feel
> small and
> flawed and mortal and neurotic etc.
> I also seek for escape from this condition.  So we have the same aim.  I
> have my way and you have yours, thank goodness for the myriad of
> people and
> ideas, or things would get very dull around here..

Actually, I'm trying a couple ways in parallel ;-)

The path of inner enlightenment seeking/non-seeking AND the path of
techno-transcendence... I don't see a contradiction there...

> > The interesting thing to come to terms with, is that
> transforming oneself
> > into a superbeing is in effect a form of *death*.
> >
> > One's current self is really disappearing, if one transforms
> oneself that
> > completely.  What is the thread of identify/awareness that is left,
> > surviving such a transition ???
> Hmmmmm.  From the time you wrote this to the time I respond,  you
> have died
> a thousand deaths.  Why would this be any different?

There is a small change between the me of right now and the me of 5 seconds
ago.  This persistence in pattern seems to tie into a persistence in the
quality of consciousness...

There's a big change between the me of 30 years ago (who was 5 years old)
and the me of right now.  This change in pattern seems to tie in with a
bigger change in the quality of consciousness.

The me of today and the me of 30 years ago are called the same person
because we share "the same" flesh container, mostly... and we share various
characteristics of thought & personality...

The concept of "me" is going to become very different in the transhuman
period... it's really an artifact of the human mode of being with our short
lifespans, minimal mutability, and consistent physical embodiment...

But we have drifted rather far from AGI, huh???

-- Ben G

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