----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Goertzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:16 PM
Subject: RE: [agi] How wrong are these numbers?

> Kevin wrote:
> >  I think Ben is closer to
> > anyone in having a true mapping of the
> > brain and its capabilities.  As to whether it ultimately develops the
> > emergent qualities we speak of..time will tell...even
> > if it falls short of singularity type hype,  i believe it can provide
> > tremendous benefits to humanity, and that's what I care about.
> I appreciate your enthusiasm & support.
> I'd like to clarify, however, that I'm not actually trying to map or model
> the human brain, but ONLY to emulate (and eventually exceed) its
> capabilities.  I have studied neuroscience fairly extensively, but have
> chosen to make Novamente very unbrainlike in many ways, in order to adapt
> better to the available hardware platform.

Your selling yourself short. You have studied more than fairly

Sorry for the inaccuracy.

> Alan Grimes wrote:
> > Okay, I have some theories... Unfortunately I'm only a theorist so I'll
> > > need some code-slaves to make any progress but I think that's doable.
> Code-slaves, huh?
> I suggest that you're unlikely to make much progress with this management
> philosophy ;-)
> Kevin wrote:
> > If you read any discussion of the Singularity, its hard to
> > separate what is
> > being said from theism.  These machines are given God like qualities and
> > powers.  It smacks almost of a new religion with its dogma 1's
> > and 0's, but
> > reeks of the same old idea that "i am flawed and weak and small and
> > and I want to be super and sumpremely smart and immortal!"  I can't
> > people for looking for such things as the human condition is a rather
> > one....
> Well, yeah.  I am flawed and weak and small and mortal, and I want to be
> super and supremely smart and immortal.

This may be where we differ the most, but that's OK.  I also feel small and
flawed and mortal and neurotic etc.
I also seek for escape from this condition.  So we have the same aim.  I
have my way and you have yours, thank goodness for the myriad of people and
ideas, or things would get very dull around here..

> The interesting thing to come to terms with, is that transforming oneself
> into a superbeing is in effect a form of *death*.
> One's current self is really disappearing, if one transforms oneself that
> completely.  What is the thread of identify/awareness that is left,
> surviving such a transition ???

Hmmmmm.  From the time you wrote this to the time I respond,  you have died
a thousand deaths.  Why would this be any different?

> -- Ben G
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