>> According to my rule of thumb,
>> "If it has a natural language database it is wrong",

I too can see why you would feel this way.  But bots like ALICE are pretty
good, if you take into consideration how limited they are.  ALICE has no
short term memory and little to no deductive or inferential abilities.  Add
these and it would be a lot better.

I think the compiler idea is a good one, applying AI concepts to the problem
could teach us a lot about how a mind creates and maintains it's

Alan and Gary:  have either of you outlined your designs/projects either on
the web or on this mailing list?
personally, I'd love to see everyone on this list who's working on some sort
of AI-related endeavor kinda throw their ideas out all at once. I think we'd
learn a lot from each other.  just my 2c...

J Standley

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