
Thanks for reply. But I don't understand what you see as the connection. An interaction machine from my brief googling is one which has physical organs.

Any factory machine can be thought of as having organs. What I am trying to forge is a new paradigm of a creative, free machine as opposed to that exemplified by most actual machines, which are rational, deterministic machines. The latter can only engage in any task in set ways - and therefore engage and combine their organs in set combinations and sequences. Creative machines have a more or less infinite range of possible ways of going about things, and can combine their organs in a virtually infinite range of combinations, (which gives them a slight advantage, adaptively :) ). Organisms *are* creative machines; computers and robots *could* be (and are, when combined with humans), AGI's will *have* to be.

(To talk of creative machines, more specifically, as I did, as keyboards/"organisers" is to focus on the mechanics of this infinite combinativity of organs).

Interaction machines do not seem in any way then to entail what I'm talking about - "creative machines" - keyboards/ organisers - infinite combinativity - or the *creation,* as quite distinct from *following* of programs/algorithms and routines..

Abram/MT:>> If you think it's all been said, please point me to the philosophy of AI
that includes it.

I believe what you are suggesting is best understood as an interaction machine.

General references:




The concept that seems most relevant to AI is the learning theory
provided by "inductive turing machines", but I cannot find a good
single reference for that. (I am not knowledgable on this subject, I
just have heard the idea before.)


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