
Will's objection is not quite so easily dismissed. You need to argue
that there is an alternative, not just that Will's is more of the


On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:34 AM, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> MT:By contrast, all deterministic/programmed machines and computers are
>> guaranteed to complete any task they begin.
> Will:If only such could be guaranteed! We would never have system hangs,
> dead locks. Even if it could be made so, computer systems would not
> always want to do so.
> Will,
> That's a legalistic, not a valid objection, (although heartfelt!).In the
> above case, the computer is guaranteed to hang - and it does, strictly,
> complete its task.
> What's happened is that you have had imperfect knowledge of the program's
> operations. Had you known more, you would have known that it would hang.
> Were your computer like a human mind, it would have been able to say (as
> you/we all do) - "well if that part of the problem is going to be difficult,
> I'll ignore it"  or.. "I'll just make up an answer..". or "by God I'll keep
> trying other ways until I do solve this.." or... "..zzzzzzzz"  or ...
> Computers, currently, aren't free thinkers.
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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