OK, I'll bite: what's nondeterministic programming if not a contradiction?

Again - v. briefly - it's a reality - nondeterministic programming is a reality, so there's no material, mechanistic, software problem in getting a machine to decide either way. The only problem is a logical one of doing it for sensible reasons. And that's the long part - there are a continuous stream of sensible reasons, as there are for current nondeterministic computer choices.

Yes, strictly, a nondeterministic *program* can be regarded as a contradiction - i.e. a structured *series* of instructions to decide freely . The way the human mind is "programmed" is that we are not only free, and have to, *decide* either way about certain decisions, but we are also free to *think* about it - i.e. to decide metacognitively whether and how we decide at all - we continually "decide." for example, to put off the decision till later.

So the simple reality of being as free to decide and think as you are, is that when you sit down to engage in any task, like write a post, essay, or have a conversation, or almost literally anything, there is no guarantee that you will start, or continue to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th step, let alone complete it. You may jack in your post more or less immediately. This is at once the bane and the blessing of your life, and why you have such extraordinary problems finishing so many things. Procrastination.

By contrast, all deterministic/programmed machines and computers are guaranteed to complete any task they begin. (Zero procrastination or deviation). Very different kinds of machines to us. Very different paradigm. (No?)

I would say then that the human mind is strictly not so much nondeterministically "programmed" as "briefed". And that's how an AGI will have to function.

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