>> I disagree, and believe that I can think X: "This is a thought (T) that is 
>> way too complex for me to ever have."
>> Obviously, I can't think T and then think X, but I might represent T as a 
>> combination of myself plus a notebook or some other external media. Even if 
>> I only observe part of T at once, I might appreciate that it is one thought 
>> and believe (perhaps in error) that I could never think it.
>> I might even observe T in action, if T is the result of billions of 
>> measurements, comparisons and calculations in a computer program.
>> Isn't it just like thinking "This is an image that is way too detailed for 
>> me to ever see"?

Excellent!  This is precisely how I feel about intelligence . . . .  (and why 
we *can* understand it even if we can't hold the totality of it -- or fully 
predict it -- sort of like the weather :-)

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