> It looks like all this "disambiguation" by moving to a more formal
> language is about sweeping the problem under the rug, removing the
> need for uncertain reasoning from surface levels of syntax and
> semantics, to remember about it 10 years later, retouch the most
> annoying holes with simple statistical techniques, and continue as
> before.
> --
> Vladimir Nesov

Well, firstly, note that this is not what I'm doing ... in OpenCog and NM
we're working with English...

However, it's possible that working with Lojban could help cut through
the following "chicken and egg" problem:

-- if your AI understands the world, then it can disambiguate language

-- if your AI can disambiguate language, then it can learn enough from
language to understand the world

Potentially using Lojban you could teach the AI enough about the world,
that it could then use this understanding to guide its disambiguation
of natural language

This is not the approach I'm currently taking, but it doesn't seem
unreasonable to me.

-- Ben G

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