> The problem is to gradually improve overall causal model of
> environment (and its application for control), including language and
> dynamics of the world. Better model allows more detailed experience,
> and so through having a better inbuilt model of an aspect of
> environment, such as language, it's possible to communicate richer
> description of other aspects of environment. But it's not obvious that
> bandwidth of experience is the bottleneck here.

No, but nor is it obvious that this *isn't* one of the major bottlenecks...

> It's probably just
> limitations of the cognitive algorithm that simply can't efficiently
> improve its model, and so feeding it more experience through tricks
> like this is like trying to get a hundredfold speedup in the
> O(log(log(n))) algorithm by feeding it more hardware.

Hard to say...

Remember, we humans have a load of evolved inductive bias for
understanding human language ... AGI's don't ...  so using Lojban
to talk to an AGI could be a way to partly make up for this deficit in
inductive bias...

> It should be
> possible to get a proof-of-concept level results about efficiency
> without resorting to Cycs and Lojbans, and after that they'll turn out
> to be irrelevant.

Cyc and Lojban are not comparable, one is a  knowledge-base, the other
is a language

Cyc-L and Lojban are more closely comparable, though still very different
because Lojban allows for more ambiguity (as well as Cyc-L level precision,
depending on speaker's choice) ... and of course Lojban is intended for
interactive conversation rather than knowledge entry

ben g

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