On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 7:47 PM, Ben Goertzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The problem is to gradually improve overall causal model of
>> environment (and its application for control), including language and
>> dynamics of the world. Better model allows more detailed experience,
>> and so through having a better inbuilt model of an aspect of
>> environment, such as language, it's possible to communicate richer
>> description of other aspects of environment. But it's not obvious that
>> bandwidth of experience is the bottleneck here.
> No, but nor is it obvious that this *isn't* one of the major bottlenecks...

My intuition is that it's very easy to steadily increase bandwidth of
experience, the more you know the more you understand. If you start
from simple sensors/actuators (or even chess or Go), progress is
gradual and open-ended.

>> It's probably just
>> limitations of the cognitive algorithm that simply can't efficiently
>> improve its model, and so feeding it more experience through tricks
>> like this is like trying to get a hundredfold speedup in the
>> O(log(log(n))) algorithm by feeding it more hardware.
> Hard to say...
> Remember, we humans have a load of evolved inductive bias for
> understanding human language ... AGI's don't ...  so using Lojban
> to talk to an AGI could be a way to partly make up for this deficit in
> inductive bias...

Any language at all is a way of increasing experiential bandwidth
about environment. If bandwidth isn't essential, bootstrapping this
process through a language is equally irrelevant. At some point,
however inefficiently, language can be learned if system allows
open-ended learning.

This is a question of not doing premature optimization of a program
that is not even designed yet, not talking about being implemented and

>> It should be
>> possible to get a proof-of-concept level results about efficiency
>> without resorting to Cycs and Lojbans, and after that they'll turn out
>> to be irrelevant.
> Cyc and Lojban are not comparable, one is a  knowledge-base, the other
> is a language
> Cyc-L and Lojban are more closely comparable, though still very different
> because Lojban allows for more ambiguity (as well as Cyc-L level precision,
> depending on speaker's choice) ... and of course Lojban is intended for
> interactive conversation rather than knowledge entry

(as tools towards improving bandwidth of experience, they do the same thing)

Vladimir Nesov

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