On 6/6/2020 9:33 AM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Saturday, June 6, 2020 10:18:59 AM CDT ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
>> There's absolutely no way this will pass, but I'm going to try it
>> anyways. Aris, I don't remember exactly when the midweek distribution
>> deadline is, but don't worry about including this proposal in it.
>> I submit the following proposal:
>> Title: Bank Robbery
>> AI: 1.0
>> Author: ATMunn
>> Co-author(s):
>> Enact a rule entitled "Heists" with the following text:
>> {
>> At any time, any player CAN, by announcement, perform a Heist. Upon
>> doing so, e CAN transfer up to half of the coins owned by Agora, rounded
>> down, to emself. However, players MAY NOT perform a Heist. Doing so is
>> the Class 3 Crime of Robbery.
>> }
> G. will very likely have more to say about this but around the early 2000s 
> there was a system this vaguely reminds me of. Players could become rebels, 
> which was illegal and therefore earned em blots, but if the rebellion was 
> strong enough (which was determined by how many rebels there were and some 
> other factors, like certain holidays) the rebels could revolt.
> I think this version might be a little too strong, but in general I like the 
> idea of there being some intentional misdeeds when we have blots and blot 
> cards.

Yeah, this is one of those initial conditions problems in an otherwise
fine idea.  If Agora had 0 coins right now it would be fine.  No incentive
for the Assessor, and coins would build up in Agora and then people could
decide when it's worth it to grab - timing the grab would be fun.

Is there any reason Agora needs 1,976 coins right now?  Maybe the real
simple solution is just to add a "Destroy all coins in Agora's possession"
to the proposal before enacting the rule.  (or "Destroy all except 50" if
you want a buffer or something, I'm pretty sure the Assessor wouldn't grab
25 coins in exchange for 3 blots).


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