On 6/6/2020 1:17 PM, nch via agora-discussion wrote:
On Saturday, June 6, 2020 12:08:48 PM CDT ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:
The only other thing I'm wondering about is what class crime Robbery
should be. I went with 3 because 2 seems too low (it is robbery after
all), but 4 and above is considered "high crime" and seems to be
reserved for more serious, game-disrupting actions. Anyone have any input?

No matter what you set it to, it becomes an optimization problem. Players have
to decide at which point X>Y, where X is the value they get from the robbery
and Y is the value they lose to the blots. 2 or 3 are best I think. Players
will probably be too hesitant to do 4 until it's very obviously a good deal,
and probably too eager to do 1 even if it's a bad deal. 2 or 3 has some risk
that might make people hesitate, but not too much.

Okay. I'll stick with 3 then I think.

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