Am 23.09.2010 21:16, schrieb Dustin J. Mitchell:
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 1:28 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:
>> A flag to set in amanda.conf to force an "mt -f $tapedev offl" after
>> successful amdump/amflush ...
> This has been a standing bug in Zmanda's bugzilla for a while, but
> it's never become clear where this should happen.  Changers already
> support an eject() operation as well as an eject => 1 argument to the
> reservation release, so maybe it belongs in the taper?

I assume, yes.

I would like to see it in my smaller installations as well, where there
is no changer ...

I normally add it to the cronjob of amdump, but when I have to amflush
stuff people get confused because the tape doesn't get ejected --- then
they write an email (= dozens of keys pressed) instead of pressing one

> By the way, amvault just grew an --export option that will move tapes
> to import-export slots.

So many things to track, oh my.

Nice to hear ...


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