Hi Dustin,

A script-tool application for running script taking parameters such as path to 
script, PFEXEC or SUDO and when to run etc

define script-tool amplugin-script {
plugin  "amplugin-script"
property "script" "path to script to run"
property PFEXEC" "YES"
property "SUDO" "no"
execute-on pre-dle-backup,pre-dle-amcheck,post-dle-backup

Tailored backup script could then more easily being intergraded into amanda 
dump types.

Thanks Gunnar Gunnarsson

>I bet most of you have some small nitpick with Amanda that you've never felt 
>warranted an email.  Well, now's your chance!  I'd like to put some polish on 
>Amanda, and it's hard for me to see the areas that need burnishing, since I 
>work on Amanda all day, every day.

> - typo in a manpage?
> - command-line usage oddity?
> - confusing use of terminology?
> - something else?

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