Am 09.09.2010 17:55, schrieb Dustin J. Mitchell:
> I bet most of you have some small nitpick with Amanda that you've
> never felt warranted an email.  Well, now's your chance!  I'd like to
> put some polish on Amanda, and it's hard for me to see the areas that
> need burnishing, since I work on Amanda all day, every day.
>  - typo in a manpage?
>  - command-line usage oddity?
>  - confusing use of terminology?
>  - something else?

I would like to have some warning mechanism.

I have to monitor several dozens of amanda-servers and this is hard to

I wish to get a mail like:

"DLE fuzzy has not seen a lev0-backup for more than $WARNING runs.
Its size has grown larger than your $TAPELENGTH, pls review and consider
splitting it into smaller chunks. Hugs, Amanda."

And as a bonus: the possibility to get these warnings to another
mail-address than the usual reports.


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