I've moved everything from the old NextReleaseTODO wiki page to the
new OverallTODO wiki page :

You can also find a link to it from the main wiki page.

Please take a few minutes to browse it and mark everything that needs
to be removed with an asterisk as Vivia mentioned, or leave a note so
I know what to move to the future TODO.


On 5/3/06, Vivia Nikolaidou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 3 May 2006, Youness Alaoui wrote:

> On Wed, 03 May 2006 14:07:22 -0400, Lee Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I took a look at the wiki and realized that some areas are quite
> >outdated.  For example: the Next Release TODO, in our case (0.96).
> >
> >http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=NextReleaseTODO
> >
> Hi Lee, thanks for taking the time to look at this. If I remember
> correctly, Vivia already took good care of the TODO, it is up to date in
> the wiki afaik, anything in there are real bugs/feats that we 'might
> want' to implement some day, some of them won't be implemented because
> they are low pri or we have no clue on how to fix them... The wiki page
> is named Next Release TODO, which is wrong, it should instead be an
> Overal TODO list...

I took care of it to just remove DONE things. That is a huge TODO list
though, and I'm not sure we want all this stuff to be done. I just can't
start removing stuff without asking anyone. How about each one of us
adding an asterisk on items that they'd like to be removed? (No cheating,
no adding 5 asterisks :P just discuss the reason why you'd LOVE to see
that item gone in the ML!)

It's also a good idea to move GUI tweaks to winskin!

> >Do we need to keep any of this? If so, we can just add it to the 0.96
> >TODO.  Also, how are we going to deal with the TODO?  I know there's
> >an IRC TODO, the wiki TODO, a TODO file included with aMSN.
> >The IRC TODO is a good idea and I see there is a link to it from the
> >wiki, KaKaRoTo, is this TODO-list automatically updated?
> >
> It is indeed problematic since none of us ever had the time/motivation
> to build a 0.96 TODO... we have a lot of TODO items, but we needed to
> select which ones are high pri enough for next release..  now the TODO
> is almost closed, because of the proxy bugs, we need 0.96 out of the
> doors asap, if it weren't for small bugs that still keep popping up,
> vivia was supposed to release 0.96 last week (I annouced that last
> time...)

Me? Release 0.96? No offence, but m9awda allik :P [*] Not only I am no
amsn admin, I am also the newest team member!!

I was supposed to add tls 1.5 available for download, which needs testing
first, and I really should have done that. But... to release 0.96... not
really :P Besides, we can't release until we are 100% sure that these new
webcam features work OK (don't forget we still can't pause when using
reflector, and I dunno how to do these modifications you talked about!)

[*] really, REALLY j/k, i don't mean it :)

> the TODO file included with aMSN is not to be used anymore I think, look
> at the CVS history, I think it's been 2years since the last time that
> file got updated... it's nowhere need up to date.. and I think the
> original TODO page in the wiki was created by copying the content of
> that TODO file, so I don't think we can miss anything from it, but I
> wouldn't mind a double check on that... I think the best way is to
> delete its content and simply paste the link to the wiki in it, in case
> someone reads it, at least he'll get the correct info...

good idea (Y) but then the wiki page also needs a link to the tracker
(Ouch, that's also outdated)

> about the IRC todo, yes, it is updated everyday (at 7:30 PM eastern
> time), I don't want it to be known by users because they might find out
> how it works abnd start 'requesting features' through IRC buy using the
> special tags for the script.. which we already had a few times, some
> users find noone on the channel and they reported the bug or feature
> using [TODO]..

lol, hadn't noticed :)

> Also, that TODO list is basically for developers I think, it shouldn't
> be public.. and shouldn't be used as it is, if you look at it, you'll
> see some stuff marked as [DONE] and others marked as [TASKED], that todo
> list is there to help the lazy ones to easily add something they have in
> mind before the connection timesout in their brain... then all the todo
> items in there are moved to the SF task tracker, some devels were
> assigned some takss, and they are working on it in there and it seems to
> go well this way. I think we should :
> 1 - either move all the TODO list into the task tracker
> 2 - use the TODO list AND the task tracker at the same time...  just
>     like we do now...

I go with 2

> >The TODO file included with aMSN needs to be cleaned and up to date if
> >we want to continue to use it, otherwise, we could just include a link
> >to where it can be found on our wiki and remove all the old.
> >
> I agree
> >How does everyone else deal with the TODO? I think having the wiki TODO
> >along with the link to the ircTODO is the best idea, we just need to
> >make sure it's up to date.

Exactly....... I agree 100% :)

> I thnk noone deals with the TODO :P well, Vivia will tell you more I
> guess since she's the one making sure it's up to date, she did a great
> job working on amsn for 0.96 and cleaning up the TODO (by cleaning the
> todo page and by removing the bugs/feats)

Yes but I'd love it if someone could deal with this now as I'm out of
energy. Lee, can you do it? :)



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