On Wed, 28 Jan 2009, Mirko Hansen wrote:

In theory we could only deliver patches and add a binary of
"patch" to the package for those OS that don't have patch in
their repository by default. That would be the perfect way to
distribute the patches.
But my original idea was to keep on merging the changes in SVN
from trunk to the branch of the release, and there make all the
modified files, since the release, available for the auto
updater. Maybe compressing them in one file would be better to
keep the load of the server and the traffic low, but I think
there shouldn't be any problems as long as we pay the same
attention on what updates we offer for autoupdate as we do for
a normal release.

Good idea. It would require modifying the autoupdater but it´s certainly doable. If everyone agrees, and if you are willing to work on it (because we are low on resources), we´ll TODO it.

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