bah. i'm sick of the "we need php/python/brainfuck in AOLserver to be
successful and gain mindshare."

i'm really quite sick of this argument that AOLserver is hard to pitch.
i personally have no problem doing so whatsoever. in fact, i usually
win projects on the sole basis that we are wizards in AOLserver and the
vast majority of these projects are with clients who had never heard of
the system before I presented it to them.

so i am happy to volunteer to design and build the new on
OpenACS (using AOLserver of course) with the latest OpenACS bugtracker
(which is a lot better than Sourceforge's crap, and bugzilla for that
matter) and write up the marketing documentation appropriately so that
it's attractive and interesting to newbies. i am not volunteering to be
the webmaster nor to maintain any of the technical docs, but I will be
happy to do the graphic design and the IA.

i find that in these situations it's usually best to set an expiration
date on these things, so the offer stands until the end of the business
day EST a week from today.


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