On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are correct.  My point was only that AOLServer would get the header
> unmodified,  and then not be able to do anything useful with it lacking
> something like nsntlm.  If IIS sat in front (i.e. using FastCGI), IIS
> could do the ntlm negotiation and pass thru the decrypted remote_user
> credentials,  so AOLServer could take advantage of single-sign-on
> without doing any work.

"Could" or "does"?  What /does/ the FastCGI ISAPI module for IIS do?
Does it get the NTLM auth data and pass it along, decrypted, to the
FastCGI app.?

If it doesn't, then this whole reason to run AOLserver as FastCGI
becomes moot.

> Yes,  a module to allow AOLServer to run as an app under a different
> webserver is what I'm asking for. (FastCGI External Server is how the
> mod_fcgi refers to it)


> I expect that 'just to see if it's possible' would be enough to
> bootstrap this.  As in,  .LRN and/or OpenACS would likely have paying
> customers (or could secure a grant) to underwrite the migration to a
> production quality module.  I really do expect that to be the case -- in
> implementing portable.nsd,  I have corresponded with at least three
> organizations willing to pay for either Apache or IIS support at one
> time or another.

To be clear, this isn't /replacing/ AOLserver with Apache or IIS, but
simply allowing Apache or IIS to front an AOLserver.  I can totally
understand someone wanting to fund the necessary development to make
OpenACS or .LRN work without AOLserver /at all/, but I don't see the
motivation to pay to add yet another layer of complexity to the stack

But as you said, if decision-making were founded in good sense and were
about the value proposition, how does one explain such things like
ColdFusion.  :-)

> Would the prototype be something you could do?

Sure, lets aim for the end of March.  I know it's a long time between
now and then, but there's really no point in me giving an earlier date
if I couldn't hit it.  Who knows, I might have something testable by
next weekend ...

-- Dossy

Dossy Shiobara                       mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Panoptic Computer Network             web: http://www.panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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