> On 2005.02.08, John Sequeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > To be clear, this isn't /replacing/ AOLserver with Apache or IIS, but > simply allowing Apache or IIS to front an AOLserver. I can totally > understand someone wanting to fund the necessary development to make > OpenACS or .LRN work without AOLserver /at all/, but I don't see the > motivation to pay to add yet another layer of complexity to the stack > ...
There are some in the OpenACS/.LRN community who claim that we'd get greater acceptance if we "ran under Apache" even if that meant simply running AOLserver as an app fronted by Apache. I'm not a big believer, myself, but the claim has been made by some that they've lost busines that they could've won if this were true. If they or you or other interested parties choose to do the work, funded or on a volunteer basis, they'll then be able to test their hypothesis in the marketplace :) > But as you said, if decision-making were founded in good sense and were > about the value proposition, how does one explain such things like > ColdFusion. :-) That's the spirit of the proposal as I understand it! -- AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/ To Remove yourself from this list, simply send an email to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the body of "SIGNOFF AOLSERVER" in the email message. You can leave the Subject: field of your email blank.