On May 16, 2006, at 6:57 AM, Tom Jackson wrote:

Are these completely unrelated installs wrt Guan's sites?

Yes. I also am not seeing the memory problems he is; it seems that 3.2/3.3 and 3.4 are exhibiting different weirdnesses.

I seem to have forgotten exactly why it is difficult or time consuming to
upgrade from 3.x to 4.x. Does anyone have a summary of the problems?

It's not; most of my sites upgraded seamlessly. But this particular client is busy rewriting his site in Java (not my idea, not involved) and they don't want to take the time to test the old site for no net gain to them. Also they would have to buy a new secure certificate and even though the amount of money is small, the political implications are large.

I realized last night that as long as the problem is simply scheduled procs not firing I can probably fix that using external cronjobs. I've asked the programmer to verify this but I don't think there are very many scheduled pros in the site. The only reason I realized there was a problem at all is that the logs stopped rolling (I use a scheduled proc for this). However, it may be risky to rely on this kludge since we don't know what other sort of bit rot might be going on.


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