Daniël Mantione wrote:

I think a few reasons contribute to the low popularity of AOLserver
* It interoperates badly with Apache. Both need port 80. While solutions exits, none is ideal, and none come with "Batteries included".
  Many people (most) cannot rely 100% on AOLserver, despite ocnsidering it
  superior for web development.

I think this may be more of a marketing issue than a technical one. What does apache do that aolserver doesn't? Ok, there are alot of C modules written for apache. How many of these are in high demand? Other than the programming language ones which others are addressing, I'd guess very few, like mod_auth, mod_include, mod_fastcgi, mod_cgi, and *gag* mod_rewrite. AOLserver can do all of these things just fine, although as you say there is no 'batteries included' modules for handling some of them.

* It is bad in multi-user environments. You cannot give every use his own
  space to develop his website in. Actually this problem seems easy to
  solve, since AOLserver can run multiple instances of itself since 4.0.

You can very easily give each user his own space to develop a website in (e.g., ~/public_html) the only problem is if they want to do things as themself rather than as the aolserver uid, since AFAIK setuid and threads do not interact well. A solution could be built using nsproxy with the proxy running setuid as the desired user and sate interps for user ADPs or something along those lines but it would be a fair amount of work that no one seems to be asking for right now.

What do you mean by running multiple instances of itself? Back in the old (3.4) days I used nsvhr to proxy to a few completely separate servers running as separate users which worked mostly ok (there were some lingering networking bugs in nsvhr that I was never able to squash) However the server tends to grow in memory size over time and running multiple independent servers just worsens the problem.


AOLserver - http://www.aolserver.com/

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