Francis Tyers <> writes:

> El dl 05 de 05 de 2014 a les 13:59 +0200, en/na David Chan va escriure:


> $ echo "El gato negro caminaba en la playa." | python3 /tmp/ 
> [0]El [1]gato [2]negro [3]caminaba [4]en [5]la [6]playa.
> Then run it through Apertium: 
> $ echo "El gato negro caminaba en la playa." | python3 /tmp/  |
> apertium -f none -d ~/source/apertium/trunk/apertium-en-es/ es-en
> [0]The[1] black[2] cat [3]walked[4] in[5] the[6] beach.

Note: If you want to put numbers in blanks in real text, you should
alter the script to do

<apertium-notrans>0</apertium-notrans>El<apertium-notrans>1</apertium-notrans> …

instead of


and call apertium with the "-f html-noent" format option instead of "-f
none" (since the latter will break as soon as you get any "special
symbol" as input).

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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