David Chan <dc...@wikimedia.org> writes:

> Hello, and thanks for the reply!
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Francis Tyers
> <fty...@prompsit.com> wrote:
>> David, could you tell us more about what you'd like to use this
>> for ? e.g. the final application ?
> For our Content Translation system (
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Content_translation ) we'd like to apply
> machine translation to marked-up HTML, in particular links. This needs
> to work reliably under reordering; for instance
> 'the <a href="a1">big</a> <a href="a2">dog</a>'
> should become
> 'el <a href="a2">perro</a> <a href="a1">grande</a>'
> with the links reordered. 

Ah, then numbered superblanks should _not_ work, we try not to reorder
superblanks since it could mess up HTML.

(Tino Didriksen suggested a solution involving treating some blanks as
glued to the words and some as non-reorderable, but no one's tried
implementing it in Apertium yet.)

Kevin Brubeck Unhammer

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