On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 21:48:44 -0000, Curtis Matthiesen wrote:

> for your information I'm using automatic login and I'm using version 1.68
> and yes I've got two Nameserver numbers in my Arachne.cfg and my PPP.log and
> Arachne.cfg are as follows:

> -snip-
> Autologin No

> -snip-
> PPPpassword XXXXXXX

> -snip-
> IP_Grab IP address set to

> PPP.log is below, and I got this after I got disconnected and got the
> error message:

> -snip-
> * Leaving MINITERM and trying SLIP/PPP. Press <Ctrl>+<Pause> to abort.
> PPPD status: IP address set to

Hi Curtis;
>From the above it seems that with Autologin No the script you filled
out will not be followed, (that's ok) but login is expected to take
place inside the PPP session (CHAP I think).
So you got as far as attempting to load the PPP driver.

Up to this point it is fine *IF* that is what you intended to do.
It seems a bit strange to fill in the script and not use it - BUT
that is EXACTLY the way mine is because I had previously used a
script with Autologin Yes and my ISP switched to PPP login so I
just set Autologin to No and left the script.

If you DO want to follow the script for prompts and replies, you
must set Autologin Yes.

If the problem is failure of the PPP login authentication, you might
want to check your password.  Otherwise, I'm at a loss because it all
looks fine for the PPP type login. :(

- Clarence Verge
- Still using Arachne V1.62 ....

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