On 02/06/18 17:01, zap wrote:

>>    May-be if Ron says <Can lkcl do something>, he means to ask Luke OR
>> ANY MEMBER, to give an opinion as to whether Luke's ability or time or
>> opportunity, means that Luke can do that something.  If some one means
>> to convey THAT, I have not noticed any one here suggest better wording
>> than Ron's wording.  But it seems that persons needed Ron to be more
>> --verbose.
>> :^)
>>    Ron, if this is the meaning, then please confirm.  And then may-be,
>> persons will react as desired, to future uses of such wording.
> Just my two cents, but this has gotten WAY off topic... amusing as that
> is for me, its not the purpose of this mailing list... and I don't think
> it is very helpful.
> So yeah, what is the pyra computer again?
ps, I know I am guilty of this too, But yeah, I just felt the need to
point this out because its happened many times.
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