On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 03:05:17PM -0500, ronwirr...@safe-mail.net wrote:
> This post is about modifying an asus eeepc 7inch notebook into accepting
> a pc card. You are invite to contribute.

I find the idea to turn an asus eeepc 7inch notebook into an EOMA68
housing very interesting. I don't have the knowledge to contribute at
the current stage. 

I recommend to use the terms of the glossary right from the beginning
So I think the above statement from Ron should better be phrased:
"This post is about modifiying an asus eeepc 7inch notebook to work as a
housing for an EOMA68-card."
I don't want to appear overly nitpicky but I think common terms are important 
to avoid

Good luck with the project and happy hacking!

kind regards

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