> Oh -- and for the keyboard -- look into the work done with custom keyboards
> and a microcontroller called the "Teensy" -- the code should be compatible
> with an Arduino Micro -- of which cheap clones can be had on eBay. To be
> clear, you want the Arduino MICRO with the ATMEGA32U4 in it, and
> specifically NOT the similar Arduino NANO with the ATMEGA328 in it. The
> '32U4 part has on-chip USB so you can do USB-HID stuff with it. 

A Teensy could work, indeed. The issue is - the keyboard needs 24 (16+8) pins. 
Now that I think of it, we can use 32U4, it has 8 PCINT pins (that we can use 
for 8 rows) and there are 18 GPIOs remaining - enough to implement I2C (without 
the INT pin, though) or PS/2 - or, indeed, use USB.

> I will warn
> you that the cheap Arduino clone boards tend to use a particularly touchy
> voltage regulator -- I've fried one of those boards that way, it's not
> hard...

Does the regulator come into play if we feed the ATMega32U4 from either 5V or 
3.3V directly into VCC? I guess it doesn't.

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