Interesting response, wouldst appear to be an instance of threatening 
personal destruction for a "thoughtcrime."  To even think about race 
analytically is apparently evil which must be eradicated, in this writer's 


At 07:27 PM 2/16/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I would not like to use dirty words but this line of thought could take
>you directly to some kind of racism. That's why your question is just
>stupid. But you probably know it.
> > On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Bryan Caplan wrote:
> >
> > > Sachs has popularized a strong finding: Distance from the equator
> > > explains a great deal of the variation in income *levels* between
> > > countries.  The further from the equator, the richer countries are.
> > > There are also some parallel findings for growth - controlling for other
> > > factors, growth is slower in the tropics than in temperate zones.
> > >
> > > Question: What would controlling for racial composition do to these
> > > results?  Clearly there is high collinearity between race and latitude,
> > > though modern transportation is weakening the connection.  If you do
> > > both latitude and racial composition, what would happen?  Does anyone
> > > have hard evidence on this?
> > > --

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