Hi there,

I hope you can help me with my problem since I have followed kind help
with a similar problem on the google aroma.affymetrix formus, yet
without the last bit of information I would need to succeed:

We are processing the DogSty06m520431 chips and my Prof. wants me to
generate CNV calculations for the corresponding samples. So far I
could stick to the helpful guide on the aroma homepage for “Total Copy
Number Analysis (GWS5 & GWS6)”. Yet I am now faced with 2 problems of
which I hope you could give me a hand.

First one is that when executing the command:

> process(ce, chromosomes=c(38), verbose=verbose)

for chromosomes >24 the analyses aborts with following prompting for
e.g. chr25:

> process(ce, chromosomes=c(25), verbose=verbose)
20100823 13:05:15|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...
20100823 13:05:15| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...
20100823 13:05:15|  Copying template files...
20100823 13:05:15|   Source path: C:/Programme/R/R-2.11.1/library/
20100823 13:05:15|   Destination path: reports/includes
20100823 13:05:23|  Copying template files...done
20100823 13:05:23| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...done
20100823 13:05:23| Explorer output version: 3
20100823 13:05:23| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...
20100823 13:05:23|  Source: C:/Programme/R/R-2.11.1/library/aroma.core/
20100823 13:05:23|  Output path: reports/Weim/ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
20100823 13:05:23|  Scanning directories for available chip types...
20100823 13:05:23|   Detected chip types: DogSty06m520431
20100823 13:05:23|  Scanning directories for available chip
20100823 13:05:23|  Scanning image files for available zooms...
20100823 13:05:24|   Detected (or default) zooms: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,
20100823 13:05:24|  Scanning image files for available zooms...done
20100823 13:05:24|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...
20100823 13:05:24|   Detected (or default) sets: cbs
20100823 13:05:24|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...done
20100823 13:05:24|  Compiling RSP...
           member data.class dimension objectSize
   1    chipTypes  character         1         72
   2    chrLayers  character         0         24
   3 sampleLabels  character         4        264
   4 sampleLayers  character         0         24
   5      samples  character         4        264
   6         sets  character         1         64
   7        zooms    numeric         7         56
20100823 13:05:28|   Sample names:
   [1] "W24a_(DogSty06m520431)" "W469_(DogSty06m520431)"
   [4] "W513_(DogSty06m520431)"
20100823 13:05:28|   Full sample names:
   [1] "W24a_(DogSty06m520431)" "W469_(DogSty06m520431)"
   [4] "W513_(DogSty06m520431)"
20100823 13:05:28|  Compiling RSP...done
20100823 13:05:29| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...done
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Loading required package: Cairo
20100823 13:05:40| Building tuple of reference sets...
20100823 13:05:40|  No reference available.
20100823 13:05:40|  Calculating average copy-number signals...
20100823 13:05:40|   Retrieving average cell signals across 4
    Name: .average-intensities-median-mad
    Tags: f1b4541a56b9bb2404325d6053edc91e
    Full name: .average-intensities-median-
    Pathname: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/
    File size: 4.86 MB (5091526 bytes)
    RAM: 0.01 MB
    File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
    Platform: Affymetrix
    Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
    Timestamp: 2010-08-19 11:56:52
    Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
20100823 13:05:40|   Retrieving average cell signals across 4
20100823 13:05:41|  Calculating average copy-number signals...done
20100823 13:05:41| Building tuple of reference sets...done
20100823 13:05:41| Using reference tuple:
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Chip types: DogSty06m520431
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Path: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431
 Platform: Affymetrix
 Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
 Number of arrays: 4
 Names: .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-
mad, .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-mad
 Time period: 2010-08-19 11:56:52 -- 2010-08-19 11:56:52
 Total file size: 19.42MB
 RAM: 0.01MB
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
 RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:41| Extract DataFileMatrix...
20100823 13:05:41|  Array: 1
20100823 13:05:41|  Test data sets:
  Name: Weim
  Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
  Chip types: DogSty06m520431
  Name: Weim
  Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
  Path: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431
  Platform: Affymetrix
  Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
  Number of arrays: 4
  Names: W24a_(DogSty06m520431), W469_(DogSty06m520431),
W511_(DogSty06m520431), W513_(DogSty06m520431)
  Time period: 2010-08-19 09:55:50 -- 2010-08-19 09:55:51
  Total file size: 19.42MB
  RAM: 0.01MB
  Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
  RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:42|  Reference data sets:
  Name: Weim
  Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
  Chip types: DogSty06m520431
  Name: Weim
  Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
  Path: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431
  Platform: Affymetrix
  Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
  Number of arrays: 4
  Names: .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-
mad, .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-mad
  Time period: 2010-08-19 11:56:52 -- 2010-08-19 11:56:52
  Total file size: 19.42MB
  RAM: 0.01MB
  Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
  RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:42|  Test data files:
  Name: W24a_(DogSty06m520431)
  Tags: chipEffects
  Full name: W24a_(DogSty06m520431),chipEffects
  Pathname: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431/
  File size: 4.86 MB (5091508 bytes)
  RAM: 0.01 MB
  File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
  Platform: Affymetrix
  Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
  Timestamp: 2010-08-19 09:55:50
  Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)

  [1] "AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFileList"
  [3] "list"
20100823 13:05:43| Extract DataFileMatrix...done
20100823 13:05:43| Genomic-signal tags:
20100823 13:05:43| Reference tags: 0a3adbbf31c6ac7f1d75cb5aaaaa0aa5
20100823 13:05:43| Array #1 ('W24a_(DogSty06m520431)') of 4 on
chromosome 25...
20100823 13:05:43|  Loading results from file...
20100823 13:05:43|   Pathname: cbsData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/
20100823 13:05:43|   Fit object: DNAcopy
20100823 13:05:43|  Loading results from file...done
20100823 13:05:43|  Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
ERROR caught in onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel():
[2010-08-23 13:05:44] Exception: Cannot infer number of bases in
chromosome. No such chromosome: 25
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No
such chromoso
  at throw("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No such
chromosome: ", c
  at getChromosomeLength(chromosome)
  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  at tryCatch({
  at fcn(...)
  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  at tryCatch({
  at callHooks.list(hooks, ...)
  at callHooks(hooks, ...)
  at callHooks.default(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname
= fullnam
  at callHooks(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname =
  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
verbose = v
  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
= "png", p
  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
plotband, arrays =
  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes
= chromos
  at writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,
zooms = zooms
  at process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose =
  at process(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose = verbose)
             used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
   Ncells 1128467 30.2    1800540 48.1  2345443 62.7
   Vcells  615145  4.7    1853960 14.2  2259172 17.3
20100823 13:05:44|  Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
20100823 13:05:44| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
20100823 13:05:44|Array #1 ('W24a_(DogSty06m520431)') of 4 on
chromosome 25...done
20100823 13:05:44|Extract DataFileMatrix...
20100823 13:05:44| Array: 2
20100823 13:05:44| Test data sets:
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Chip types: DogSty06m520431
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Path: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431
 Platform: Affymetrix
 Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
 Number of arrays: 4
 Names: W24a_(DogSty06m520431), W469_(DogSty06m520431),
W511_(DogSty06m520431), W513_(DogSty06m520431)
 Time period: 2010-08-19 09:55:50 -- 2010-08-19 09:55:51
 Total file size: 19.42MB
 RAM: 0.01MB
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
 RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:44| Reference data sets:
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Chip types: DogSty06m520431
 Name: Weim
 Tags: ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B
 Path: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431
 Platform: Affymetrix
 Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
 Number of arrays: 4
 Names: .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-
mad, .average-intensities-median-mad, .average-intensities-median-mad
 Time period: 2010-08-19 11:56:52 -- 2010-08-19 11:56:52
 Total file size: 19.42MB
 RAM: 0.01MB
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)
 RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:45| Test data files:
 Name: W469_(DogSty06m520431)
 Tags: chipEffects
 Full name: W469_(DogSty06m520431),chipEffects
 Pathname: plmData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/DogSty06m520431/
 File size: 4.86 MB (5091508 bytes)
 RAM: 0.01 MB
 File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
 Platform: Affymetrix
 Chip type: DogSty06m520431,monocell
 Timestamp: 2010-08-19 09:55:50
 Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE,
combineAlleles: logi TRUE)

 [1] "AromaUnitTotalCnBinaryFileList" "GenericDataFileList"
 [3] "list"
20100823 13:05:46|Extract DataFileMatrix...done
20100823 13:05:46|Genomic-signal tags:
20100823 13:05:46|Reference tags: 0a3adbbf31c6ac7f1d75cb5aaaaa0aa5
20100823 13:05:46|Array #2 ('W469_(DogSty06m520431)') of 4 on
chromosome 25...
 Chromosome: 25
 Position range: [3.01577e+06,5.45628e+07]
 Number of loci: 3399
 Mean distance between loci: 15169.8
 Loci fields: x [3399xnumeric], y [3399xnumeric]
 RAM: 0.05MB
20100823 13:05:51| Segmenting...
20100823 13:05:51|  Retrieving the fit function...
20100823 13:05:51|   Method: segment
20100823 13:05:51|   Package: DNAcopy v1.22.1
    chr "Function: "
20100823 13:05:51|   Formals:
   Dotted pair list of 15
    $ x          : symbol
    $ weights    : NULL
    $ alpha      : num 0.01
    $ nperm      : num 10000
    $ p.method   : language c("hybrid", "perm")
    $ min.width  : num 2
    $ kmax       : num 25
    $ nmin       : num 200
    $ eta        : num 0.05
    $ sbdry      : NULL
    $ trim       : num 0.025
    $ undo.splits: language c("none", "prune", "sdundo")
    $ undo.prune : num 0.05
    $ undo.SD    : num 3
    $ verbose    : num 1
20100823 13:05:51|  Retrieving the fit function...done
20100823 13:05:51|  Extracting data of interest...
20100823 13:05:51|   Extracting data used by segmentation
20100823 13:05:51|    Sample name: Unnamed sample
20100823 13:05:51|    Chromosome: 25
20100823 13:05:51|    Number of loci: 3399
20100823 13:05:52|    Dropping loci with unknown locations...
20100823 13:05:52|     Number of dropped loci: 0
20100823 13:05:52|    Dropping loci with unknown locations...done
20100823 13:05:52|    Dropping loci with non-finite signals...
20100823 13:05:52|     Number of dropped loci: 0
20100823 13:05:52|    Dropping loci with non-finite signals...done
20100823 13:05:52|    Order data along genome...
20100823 13:05:52|    Order data along genome...done
    'data.frame':       3399 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ chromosome: int  25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ...
     $ x         : num  3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069 3057086 ...
     $ y         : num  -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586 -0.02699 ...
     - attr(*, "sampleName")= chr "Unnamed sample"
20100823 13:05:52|   Extracting data used by segmentation
   'data.frame':        3399 obs. of  3 variables:
    $ chromosome: int  25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ...
    $ x         : num  3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069 3057086 ...
    $ y         : num  -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586 -0.02699 ...
    - attr(*, "sampleName")= chr "Unnamed sample"
20100823 13:05:52|  Extracting data of interest...done
20100823 13:05:52|  Setting up method arguments...
20100823 13:05:52|   Setting up DNAcopy data structure...
    Classes ‘CNA’ and 'data.frame':     3399 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ chrom         :Class 'AsIs'  int [1:3399] 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
25 25 25 ...
     $ maploc        : num  3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069
3057086 ...
     $ Unnamed.sample: num  -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586
-0.02699 ...
     - attr(*, "data.type")= chr "logratio"
    Classes ‘CNA’ and 'data.frame':     3399 obs. of  3 variables:
     $ chrom         :Class 'AsIs'  int [1:3399] 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
25 25 25 ...
     $ maploc        : num  3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069
3057086 ...
     $ Unnamed sample: num  -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586
-0.02699 ...
     - attr(*, "data.type")= chr "logratio"
20100823 13:05:52|   Setting up DNAcopy data structure...done
20100823 13:05:52|   User and segmentation arguments:
   List of 1
    $ plotband: logi TRUE
20100823 13:05:52|   Final arguments:
   List of 2
    $        :Classes ‘CNA’ and 'data.frame':   3399 obs. of  3
     ..$ chrom         :Class 'AsIs'  int [1:3399] 25 25 25 25 25 25
25 25 25 25 ...
     ..$ maploc        : num [1:3399] 3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069
3057086 ...
     ..$ Unnamed sample: num [1:3399] -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586
-0.02699 ...
     ..- attr(*, "data.type")= chr "logratio"
    $ verbose: logi TRUE
20100823 13:05:52|  Setting up method arguments...done
20100823 13:05:52|  Looking for cached results...
20100823 13:05:52|  Looking for cached results...done
20100823 13:05:52|  Calling segment() of DNAcopy...
20100823 13:05:52|   Captured output that was sent to stdout:
20100823 13:05:52|   Analyzing: Unnamed sample
20100823 13:05:52|   Fitting time (in seconds):
      user  system elapsed
      0.36    0.00    0.44
20100823 13:05:52|   Fitting time per 1000 loci (in seconds):
        user    system   elapsed
   0.1059135 0.0000000 0.1294498
20100823 13:05:52|   Estimating aroma parameters...
20100823 13:05:52|   Estimating aroma parameters...done
20100823 13:05:52|   Results object:
   List of 2
    $ data  :Classes ‘CNA’ and 'data.frame':    3399 obs. of  3
     ..$ chrom         :Class 'AsIs'  int [1:3399] 25 25 25 25 25 25
25 25 25 25 ...
     ..$ maploc        : num [1:3399] 3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069
3057086 ...
     ..$ Unnamed sample: num [1:3399] -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586
-0.02699 ...
     ..- attr(*, "data.type")= chr "logratio"
    $ output:'data.frame':      1 obs. of  6 variables:
     ..$ ID       : chr "Unnamed sample"
     ..$ chrom    : int 25
     ..$ loc.start: num 3015772
     ..$ loc.end  : num 54562819
     ..$ num.mark : num 3399
     ..$ seg.mean : num -0.0088
    - attr(*, "class")= chr "DNAcopy"
    - attr(*, "processingTime")=Class 'proc_time'  Named num [1:5]
0.36 0 0.44 NA NA
     .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "user.self" "sys.self"
"elapsed" "user.child" ...
    - attr(*, "pkgDetails")= chr "DNAcopy v1.22.1"
    - attr(*, "aromaEstimates")=List of 2
     ..$ stddevAll    : num 0.0639
     ..$ stddevRegions: num 0.000177
20100823 13:05:53|  Calling segment() of DNAcopy...done
20100823 13:05:53| Segmenting...done
 List of 2
  $ data  :Classes ‘CNA’ and 'data.frame':      3399 obs. of  3
   ..$ chrom         :Class 'AsIs'  int [1:3399] 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
25 25 25 ...
   ..$ maploc        : num [1:3399] 3015772 3016146 3023985 3057069
3057086 ...
   ..$ Unnamed sample: num [1:3399] -0.00114 0.01815 0.01767 -0.0586
-0.02699 ...
   ..- attr(*, "data.type")= chr "logratio"
  $ output:'data.frame':        1 obs. of  6 variables:
   ..$ ID       : chr "Unnamed sample"
   ..$ chrom    : int 25
   ..$ loc.start: num 3015772
   ..$ loc.end  : num 54562819
   ..$ num.mark : num 3399
   ..$ seg.mean : num -0.0088
  - attr(*, "class")= chr "DNAcopy"
  - attr(*, "processingTime")=Class 'proc_time'  Named num [1:5] 0.36
0 0.44 NA NA
   .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "user.self" "sys.self" "elapsed"
"user.child" ...
  - attr(*, "pkgDetails")= chr "DNAcopy v1.22.1"
  - attr(*, "aromaEstimates")=List of 2
   ..$ stddevAll    : num 0.0639
   ..$ stddevRegions: num 0.000177
20100823 13:05:53| Class of fitted object: DNAcopy
20100823 13:05:53| Time to fit segmentation model: 0.02min
20100823 13:05:53| Validate that it can be coerced...
  Chromosome: 25
  Position range: [3.01577e+06,5.45628e+07]
  Number of loci: 3399
  Mean distance between loci: 15169.8
  Loci fields: x [3399xnumeric], y [3399xnumeric]
  RAM: 0.05MB
20100823 13:05:53|  Robust first-order standard deviation estimate:
  Number of regions: 1
  RAM: 0.00MB
20100823 13:05:53| Validate that it can be coerced...done
           used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
 Ncells 1128484 30.2    1800540 48.1  2345443 62.7
 Vcells  646387  5.0    2026658 15.5  2259172 17.3
20100823 13:05:53| Saving to file...
20100823 13:05:53|  Pathname: cbsData/Weim,ACC,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B/
20100823 13:05:53| Saving to file...done
20100823 13:05:53| Total time for chromosome 25: 6.55s == 0.11min
20100823 13:05:53| Total time per 1000 locus (with 3399 loci): 1.93s/
20100823 13:05:53| Fraction of time spent on different tasks: Fitting:
18.6%, Reading: 75.3%, Writing: 0.8%, Explicit garbage collection:
20100823 13:05:53| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
ERROR caught in onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel():
[2010-08-23 13:05:53] Exception: Cannot infer number of bases in
chromosome. No such chromosome: 25
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No
such chromoso
  at throw("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No such
chromosome: ", c
  at getChromosomeLength(chromosome)
  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  at tryCatch({
  at fcn(...)
  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  at tryCatch({
  at callHooks.list(hooks, ...)
  at callHooks(hooks, ...)
  at callHooks.default(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname
= fullnam
  at callHooks(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname =
  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
verbose = v
  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
= "png", p
  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
plotband, arrays =
  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes
= chromos
  at writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,
zooms = zooms
  at process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose =
  at process(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose = verbose)
            used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
  Ncells 1128909 30.2    1800540 48.1  2345443 62.7
  Vcells  636568  4.9    2026658 15.5  2259172 17.3
20100823 13:05:53| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
20100823 13:05:53|Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
Fehler in list(`process(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose = verbose)` =
<environment>,  :

[2010-08-23 13:05:53] Exception: Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent'
makes 'indentPos' negative: -1
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
negative: ", this
  at exit.Verbose(verbose)
  at exit(verbose)
  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
verbose = v
  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
= "png", p
  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
plotband, arrays =
  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes
= chromos
  at writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,
zooms = zooms
  at process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose =
  at process(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose = verbose)
Zusätzlich: Warnmeldung:
In file.remove(file) :
  kann Datei 'C:\DOKUME~1\MHG01\LOKALE~1\Temp\Rtmphc5yil
\findGraphicsDevice-testFile63656f75' nicht löschen. Grund 'Permission
Fehler in list(`process(ce, chromosomes = c(25), verbose = verbose)` =
<environment>,  :

[2010-08-23 13:05:53] Exception: Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent'
makes 'indentPos' negative: -1
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
negative: ", this
  at exit.Verbose(this)
  at exit(this)
  at popState.Verbose(verbose)
  at popState(verbose)
  at throw.Exception(Exception(...))
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
negative: ", this
  at exit.Verbose(verbose)
  at exit(verbose)
  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
verbose = v
  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
= "png", p
  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
plotband, arrays =
  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplor
20100823 13:05:53|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...done

Corresponding session Info:

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)

[1] LC_COLLATE=German_Germany.1252  LC_CTYPE=German_Germany.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=German_Germany.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=German_Germany.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods

other attached packages:
 [1] Cairo_1.4-5            RColorBrewer_1.0-2
 [4] aroma.affymetrix_1.7.0 aroma.apd_0.1.7
 [7] R.huge_0.2.0           aroma.core_1.7.0
[10] matrixStats_0.2.1      R.rsp_0.3.6
[13] R.filesets_0.8.3       digest_0.4.2
[16] R.oo_1.7.3             R.methodsS3_1.2.0

My next problem is that when displaying the CNVs in chromosome
explorer they are in the scale relative to Human chromosomes.

I have figuered out how to modify the ce option in order to display
all generated images (in the case 39 chromoses were calculated), yet I
think that the two problems are linked together since I cannot figuere
out which reference file is used for the generation of the images
(perhaps when replacing the corresponding file with the one for canine
specific loci (chr and markerposition) then the computation of chr>24
might also be processed).

To be honest, since I have little clue about programming, I have no
Idea how to solve this problem and I would be really thankful for your

With great respect for your work and suggestions

Yours sincerely


When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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