Java 1.5 = Java 5.0.  They changed the numbering mechanism starting with
v5/1.5.  Sort of like Solaris did when they went from 2.6 to 7.0 (which was
really 2.7).

Anyway, like Chris said, any 1.5 version above _12 will probably work, and
there's probably no reason to not get the most current one of those.  But
unless you like a challenge and the occasional surprise, you might avoid
Java 6 for now.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Richard Copits <

> **
> Are these both saying the same thing….???? I think I'm more confused….???
> "Your best bet is to load the 1.5.0_14+ JDK on both the mid-tier server
> (which requires it) and the AR Server (which can get by with the JRE) since
> some of the functions that can reside on the AR Server also need the JDK.
> Avoid 1.6 unless you take pleasure in obscure java errors."
> "AR System (Server and Mid-Tier) 7.1.00 requires Java 5.0 or higher."
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