I have random hangs as well. I've learned to accept it. However, what
I've done is write a vb.net program that queries the AR System Email
Messages form for Send Message = 'Yes' and gets a count of those. If the
count surpasses a certain threshold, I then send myself an email. I need
to tweak it to where it will do a net stop and net start on the BMC
Remedy Email Engine service so that it will recover on its own. I have a
scheduled task, or maybe an SQL Server Agent job that runs this every 30
minutes or so and it works marvelously for me.  It's basically very
simple, below is some of the code (written in vb.net):

    Dim myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("Server=<SQL
Server>;UID=<SQL User>;PWD=<SQL DB Password>;Database=ARSystem")
        Dim myQuery As String = "SELECT count(*) FROM
dbo.AR_System_Email_Messages WHERE Send_Message = 1"
        Dim myCount As New SqlCommand(myQuery, myConnection)
        Dim count As Integer
        Dim toAddr As String = "<my email address>"
        Dim drCount As SqlDataReader = myCount.ExecuteReader()
        While drCount.Read()
            count = drCount(0)
        End While

        If count > 0 Then
            SendEmail(toAddr, fromAddr, subject, body)
        End If
    Sub SendEmail(ByVal ToAddress As String, ByVal FromAddress As
String, ByVal Subject As String, ByVal Body As String)

        'Create the MailMessage instance
        Dim message As New MailMessage(FromAddress, ToAddress)

        'Assign the MailMessage's properties
        message.Subject = Subject
        message.Body = Body
        message.IsBodyHtml = False

        'Create the SmtpClient object
        Dim smtp As New SmtpClient
        smtp.Host = "<SMTP Server Address>"
        smtp.Port = "<SMTP Server Email Port (Defaults to 25)>"

    End Sub

That's most of it. There are some variables which I've not shown here,
such as the subject and the body. I have those preset as either
constants or as variables. It's pretty simple and it works nicely. I was
giogn to originally put an escalation on the remedy email form to mail
me if the email engine hung, but you get a catch 22 because the email
engine is hung, so the email never goes out.... So, my best solution was
to use VB.NET to do it for me.


Gary Opela, Jr.
Remedy Engineer
ITIL V3 Foundations Certified
Avaya Phone Support
CNI/IT Tinker 72 SC
(405) 582-4272

-----Original Message-----
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[mailto:arslist@arslist.org] On Behalf Of Jason Miller
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 10:51 AM
To: arslist@arslist.org
Subject: Re: Email Issue

** We too have had issues with various versions over the years with 7.5
being the worst.  We have an escalation form where we keep "service"
type escalations.  We have a control records and an escalation that
fires every 10 minutes and does a set fields on that record where:

'Send Message' = "Yes" AND 'Create Date' > $TIMESTAMP$ - 60 * 60 AND
'Create Date' <= $TIMESTAMP$ - 60 * 11

If there is a match the 'Email ID' from one record is set in a field and
our process runs to restart the service.  The process is a batch file
that writes to a log, stops the service, cleans up some temp email
engine, pauses and restarts the email engine.  It works so well we have
forgotten it there is a problem still.

Looking at the log we can go a days without issue and some days it
restarts throughout the day.  We definitely see more restarts on busier

Here is the content of the batch:
@Echo Off
Rem Stops and starts Email engine if messages are not being sent on a
timely basis

echo ***** %date% %TIME% --  Email Engine stopped sending emails,
restarting >> "D:\Logs\EmailEngine.log"

net stop "BMC Remedy Email Engine - OURSERVERNAME 1" >>

cd "C:\Users\ServiceAccountName\AppData\Local\Temp\"
@Echo Deleting temp files in
C:\Users\ServiceAccountName\AppData\Local\Temp\ >>
del AT*.tmp email*.eml email*.txt email*.rtf chk*.tmp email*.html
red*.tmp email*.msg red*tmp E*_*.tmp

rem the ping is just a pause to allow  previous task to finish ping -n 1 -w 5000 >NUL

net start "BMC Remedy Email Engine - OURSERVERNAME 1" >>

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