
Let me first clarify that temperature is not meant to be part of particle_bulkprop_field. pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps interpolates t_field to set pnd_agenda_input_t. As this is done inside a method, the workspace version of pnd_agenda_input_t is left unset.

Note that the unit of hydrometeor mass contents is kg/m3. It seems that you set "Mass_Content" to 1 kg/m3. A more realistic value would be 1 g/m3, or lower.

Regarding the use of psdModifiedGammaMassXmean, I don't spot any obvious error. It could be a bug. This PSD has not been used a lot, or maybe not all. And you are likely the first to combine MC and this PSD system.

I checked the code and even Xmean == 0 will cause the error. Could it be that the PSD is called for a point where your Dmean is zero?

To check, can you try to run MC with one core, and add


just before calling psdModifiedGammaMassXmean (inside of the agenda).



On 2020-12-05 19:38, Thomas,Renish wrote:
Hi Patrick / ARTS users,

1) I am trying to run full calculations using the MC_General() method, after setting the PSD fields internally.

2) =>The full calculations do run without errors when I use 
=> I see the effects of increase in mass content in the simulation, which means the bulkprop_fields are read into "ws.pnd_agenda_input". =>The only thing is that I don't see is the effect of temperature when after the run. Even when I remove the name "Temperature" from "ws.particle_bulkprop_names" it runs    without  errors. This makes me wonder if the "pnd_agenda_input_t" is set. => And, when I try extracting the "ws.pnd_agenda_input_t.value" after the successful run. It says that the variable is uninitialized.

3) When I run with [psdModifiedGammaMassXmean],It gives me the following error.

Exception: Call to ARTS WSM pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps failed with error: Run-timeerror in agenda: pnd_agenda_array

Run-time error in method: psdModifiedGammaMassXmean
Negative mean sizefound.
This is not allowed.

4) I have attached the sub-function python control file for setting the scattering fields before running MC_General(). Any help would be great.


*From:* Patrick Eriksson <>
*Sent:* Saturday, December 5, 2020 1:55 AM
*To:* Thomas,Renish <>
*Cc:* arts users mi <>
*Subject:* Re: Fwd: Re: [arts-users] ARTS internally generated PND fields

Are you doing full calculations, running eg DISORT? If yes, then setting the 
input to
pnd_agenda should be automatic.

Or are you trying to use the PSD functions separately?

Can you clarify this before I try to answer? And maybe also send me your 
control file.



*Från:* "Thomas,Renish" <>
*Skickat:* 4 december 2020 16:40:25 CET
*Till:* Patrick Eriksson <>, "" <>
*Ämne:* Re: [arts-users] ARTS internally generated PND fields

Hi Patrick/ Everyone,

Thanks, for the inputs .
I was able to clear some of the errors.

I have a couple more questions. It will be great to have some input on these.

1.)  How do I set "pnd_agenda_input_t"?. Is the name "Temperature" in bulk prop 
names enough to set this, or should I set this explicitly?

2.) Can the particle temperature be different from the atmosphere temperature 
around it?

3.) I have no problems with running psdModifiedGammaMass, while running it. But 
running psdModifiedGammaMassXmean, I get this error.

Exception: Call to ARTS WSM pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps failed with 
error: Run-time
error in agenda: pnd_agenda_array
Run-time error in method: psdModifiedGammaMassXmean
Negative mean sizefound.
This is not allowed.

My inputs are
Dmean = 1e-3.
n0 = -999
mu = 2
la = -999
ga = 1

Could I know why this error occours ?

*From:* Patrick Eriksson <>
*Sent:* Thursday, November 19, 2020 11:47 AM
*To:* Thomas,Renish <>;
*Subject:* Re: [arts-users] ARTS internally generated PND fields
Hi Renish,

Yes, this part is a complex and could need some more examples. However,
this part will be modified in a big overhaul of the handling of
scattering properties that Simon is working on and this makes us all a
bit reluctant to add examples right now.

1.)  So, the "Mass_content" , "Xmean" and "Temperature" are the only fields that I need to provide in the particle_bulkprop_field?

This depends on the PSDs you are using. In TestScatSolvers.arts this
field holds IWC and RWC, which are sufficient for the selected PSDs, but
if you want to use psdModifiedGammaMassXmean, you need to include data
on the mean size.

2.) Do I need to set the pnd_agenda_input manually , or does it take values from the Bulkprop_fields?

No, but you need to link the naming in particle_bulkprop_field to the
pnd_agenda_input. In your case it could look this

ArrayOfStringSet( pnd_agenda_input_names, [ "IWC", "Dmean" ]

3.)  Are there other examples for this method that I can refer to?

Which method? (But the answer is likely anyhow no)

4.) Also, when I run the example "TestScatSolvers.arts" modified to use PSD from psdModifiedGammaMassXmean(). I get this error

Exception: Call to ARTS WSM pnd_fieldCalcFromParticleBulkProps failed with error: *scat_data* and *scat_species* are inconsistent in size.

The scattering data in TestScatSolvers.arts cover both IWC and RWC. if
you have changed and just work with one hydrometeor type, you need to
modify the scattering data accordingly.

I hope this was of some help,

arts_users.mi mailing list

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