
Some quick input, for clarification.

At least for the Matlab interface there are functions for interpolating in frequency, angular grid and temperature, to get the data of all sizes on the same set of grids. That is, the idea is to use these functions first, before any size interpolation. This is at least indicated in the documentation of assp_interp_size.m.

No time for me to dig into the Python code (and anyhow don't have the latest version at hand), and don't remember how closely Jana mimicked my Matlab interface. But I should assume the same principle should be applied in Python. Too bad if that not clear from the documentation.



On 2021-06-04 16:22, Vasileios Barlakas wrote:
Hello Isaac,

I had a brief look at assp_interp_size. Indeed there are some bugs in this function that need to be fixed. I will allocate some time on this next week; sorry for any inconvenience caused. For the time being, I could give you some hints:

To use this function, all elements in S must have common frequency, temperature, and angular grid. Note here that, for some habits, e.g. IconSnow, the given sizes are not available in the same frequency and angular grids. This is one of the reasons why you get such an error message:

(31,5,721,1,1,1,6) into shape (31,5,91,1,1,1,6)

Note here that the function defines the dimensions of all the variables from the first element of the list, i.e., n_freq, n_temp, n_za, 1, 1, 1, n_phase_matrix_elements. For your case, the dimension at which python complains is the n_za (angular grid).

Following this rule, you could potentially fix any other issues. I hope this helps.

Best regards,


*From:* arts_users.mi-boun...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de <arts_users.mi-boun...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de> on behalf of Isaac Moradi <imor...@umd.edu>
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 2, 2021 4:36:50 PM
*To:* arts_users...@mailman.rrz.uni-hamburg.de
*Subject:* [arts-users] Issues with size interpolation - ARTS SSD
Hi all,

I am trying to do size interpolation using the assp.py included in the Python data interface but there seems to be multiple issues with the size interpolation function. There are some undefined variables that I fixed them but then end up with the following error. I am trying this for IconSnow but the error should exist for any other habits.

Here is the message from Python:

  File "/data/users/imoradi/workspace/dda/DataInterfaces/Python/assp.py", line 1154, in assp_interp_size
     p[i+1,...] = s.pha_mat_data
ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (31,5,721,1,1,1,6) into shape (31,5,91,1,1,1,6)


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