I see here only Dishpur all over the place. Education department is mostly managed by the Assamese officials--even IAS--and assamese education ministers. It was looted during both Congress and AGP regime!

>From: "Alpana Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Schools/Education in Assam
>Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 23:53:59 -0500
>If we search very hard we might find the word "Delhi" written all over the place here.
>C'da: Any comments?
>Rs 15,000 cr spent in 15 years, but no marked change in Education Dept
>By a Staff Reporter
>GUWAHATI, Sept 27 : The State Education Department has failed to bring much of a change in the educational scenario even after spending Rs 15,000 crore in the last 15 years. No other department of the Assam Government had received such a huge allocation of funds.
>Schools in Assam are marked by non-existence of drinking water, black board, toilet and other basic necessities.
>Official sources told The Sentinel that corruption and other malpractices are responsible for the poor show of the Education Department. The Department is currently spending a lion's share of its budget for payment of salaries to the huge workforce of teachers. Political interference and corruption in the appointment of teachers have proved to be the last nail in the Department's coffin.
>There are 1.44 lakh teachers at the primary level, and among them a large section of teachers were appointed through the backdoor without taking into account the fund position of the Education Department. On the other hand, about 20 per cent of the teachers have been estimated to be "ghost" teachers. Though the "ghost" teachers only exist in paper, a section of officials of the Education Department are siphoning off money for payment of salaries to these teachers.
>Sources said that the Education Department during the previous years had failed to give the accurate number of teachers in the State before the Assam Assembly. Figures of the Department are quite misleading, sources said.
>Allegations of corruption have once again surfaced following the regularization of a large number of teachers whom the Manoharan Committee report categorized as illegal and irregular.
>About 500 out of 7500 teachers have been made permanent and regular during the last two years. But the Education Department is yet to find out the files regarding appointment of 500 teachers. Sources said that at a time when the Education department has initiated a move to regularise 3500 teachers as per the recommendations of the Manoharan Committee, a section of district level officials of the department has reportedly appointed 1000 new teachers.

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